Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I know, I know, I'm bad at updating my blog......but since I got back to work after Christmas, I've been busy doing other things, so the blog's been neglected for a while. Thought I just post some picures from my first Christmas away from Norway, far away from moose steak and snow. Instead we had monkeys, crocodiles and flies. My father and brother came to visit, along with my uncle and aunt and their family and friends, and we travelled south to Arba Minch and Langano, where we spent Christmas Eve. It was a different Christmas, but a very good one.
My brother and I, after a bumpy ride in the the Nech Sar National Park. Did we see any animals? Nah, not really, a couple of zebras and some other deer-kind-of-animals, but it was still a nice ride.

Chrismas cookies brought all the way from Norway. And chocolate! Mmmmm!

Well, I have to say, I could've been without the Christmas dinner. This is what I had, some kind of steak, soaked in butter.....don't think I should say more......but what will forever remain imprinted in our memories is the famous "baby goat" that most of the others had, which turned out to be mostly bones with a littlebit of dry meat on it. We all had a good laugh about it, and ate the chocolate and Christmas cookies instead. And the lunch on Christmas Day was marvellous!

Not a Nyere-village, but Sabana Lodge in Langano. Very sleek for Ethiopia, and very comfortable and nice, with a beautiful beach.

On our way to Arba Minch. We were late, so we had to drive in the dark, although you're not supposed to. But there is something really nice about driving when the sun is setting - the beautiful light, the scent of dusk - the day cooling off and the smells of the surroundings, the fields, the hay, the flowers, enhancing just slightly, before the cool night embraces you.

On our way to Nech Sar National Park. The road was so steep and bad that I was freaking out, and decided to run to the top instead of being trapped in the car.

Swayne's Lodge in Arba Minch. From our rooms we had a beautiful view of the two lakes close to the town.

A happy little girl from Arba Minch.

We went to visit the village where my uncle grew up, Gidole, and we went for a little walk in the beautiful green area. My cousin, her brother, my brother and my cousins husband. After a while we had a little tail of curious people following us.

Mu uncle's childhood friend invited us to his home, where we were served coffee, bread and eggs. My father was shocked to see the way they did the dishes, and was struggling with drinking the coffee. Well, it was a truly unique and "native" experience, and this is the way most Ethiopians live. Most of the population in Ethiopia live in rural areas, and are poor. Coming to Addis after a visit to the countryside is like coming to a different world.

Happy reunion of my uncle and his friend.

My birthday flowers from the waiters at Swayne's in Arba Minch. Very thoughtful of them!

Crocodiles at Lake Chamo.

A little stop to stretch our legs - on the way to Arba Minch.

My brother and my father - in the minibus. As it is my mode of transportation, I had to take them for a ride. I think they found it slightly uncomfortable, and for my 190cm tall dad the space was a bit of a problem. But they both survived.

Merry Christmas!


Ann Therese said...

SÅÅÅÅÅ kult med oppdatering:) Kjekt å se bilder fra julefeiringen din sammen med ein del av familyen! Håbe du har det godt! Masse glad i deg, kram frän Ann Therese

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