There were lotsa hawks flying around, diving down to our dinner table.

We spent Saturday and early Sunday in Debre Libanos, a tiny town north of Addis. It is famous for its amazing view, and we stayed at this relatively new lodge (it was actually the house of the owner, 'cause he didn't have any other rooms left) overlooking this valley almost looking a bit like a fertile Grand Canyon. I went with Bernadette, Øyvind (studying at the University here), Joyce (working for the Clinton Foundation) and Kenny (doing research for his PhD in social anthropology). We had a really great time, relaxing, enjoying the view and just exploring the area. So nice to see more of Ethiopia!
Åh, så gøy å bare se kjente fjes på bildene:) E liksom litt kjekkare nå når eg vett kem alle e:D have fun Solveig, så prates me snart! ikkje lenge t du komme t Norway nå:)
hørtes kjekt ut...
Heisann Solveig:) Kossen går det? Har du vært i Yemen nå?:) Kjekt?! Håbe alt står bra t i "mitt" nydelige Etiopia!!!:) Glad i deg, kram
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