Selandsdalen in Norway. My little valley. Can you see our house? It's just there, in the middle of the picture, to the right. In between the trees. You can't see it? No, didn't think so. Well, it's a very sweet little valley. Approximately 45 inhabitants, including me. Come visit sometime!

Addis Abeba in Ethiopia. You can't see my house from here, unfortunately. It's way out there. In between all the other houses, shacks and shelters. And the people. Approximately.....well, somewhere between 5 and 7 million people. Including me of course. They are having a census, and I was just counted. My household. Consisting of me and my maid Belaynesh:) You can of course come visit me here as well!!
1 comment:
cooool;) Ska prøva å få t ein tur begge plassane:p Blir nok Addis Fysst..hehe, eg e faktisk i ein fase der det e rett før eg bestille nå:p Får så greie pris på billettane:o) Kram
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