Life is unpredictable. I have started going with the school bus that goes to the Norwegian school and passes outside my door every morning, to be sure to get to work in time. I’m actually at work half an hour before I have to. But the other day, this huge trailer had tipped over on the road, and was blocking the traffic. So the morning after, I expected the school bus not to arrive, or having to take a different route. I decided to walk. A decision I shared with many others, it seemed. People were just pouring out on the streets and up the hill. I felt like I was part of a big pilgrimage. And all this because of this car that had tipped over. Yes, it is in fact quite normal to have cars tipping over in the road like that, they are digging everywhere these days, I must have mentioned this before, haven’t I? So there I was, walking in my high healed shoes, trying to avoid the worst mud. And then the school bus comes driving towards me. Jepp, he came after all. And it seemed he was going back the same way, even if it would be difficult to get past that trailer. I decided to keep on walking, and let the bus pick me up if he caught up with me. Because I grew up in Europe, I am a fast-walker, so I ended up walking the whole way to work. Well, on the bright side, it wasn’t raining, and it wasn’t that muddy. It could have been worse. The point is, here you never know what tomorrow will bring – cars blocking the road, or maybe even the whole road will have disappeared during the night. Or maybe there is so much water that you can’t pass. Or maybe the minibus-taxis have decided that they will not go the normal route anymore, and there are only a couple of buses going if you are lucky. And when they finally arrive, they are stormed by the 450 Ethiopians waiting for them in the morning. And because I’m too polite to push myself into one of them, I’m left waiting forever. So I take the school bus. But it might not come. Because a car might be blocking the road. I might have to walk. Life is unpredictable.
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