You don't have any problems seeing that, do you?
This is right outside where I live. Turn to the left where you can see the little yellow "house", and there you will find my compound. So where all the minibus-taxis are, that's where I wait every morning to go to work. Because of the roadconstruction, it is very difficult to get a minibus, so sometimes I have to wait for half an really need patience in this country sometimes. But I should know that.....
My daily life in Addis is not always as straightforward as I could hope it was. Construction is the key-word, and the root of all my problems. New buildings are popping up everywhere (that is, they are slowly and gradually beginning to pop up, and maybe in a couple of years, they will be finished), but they are not really causing me that much problems. I’m sure my dad would get a headache had he seen the scaffolding they use here, though - it looks very fragile and not fit for standing and walking on. Anyway, what gives ME the headache is the roadconstruction! For some reason, they have decided to start working an ALL the roads at once, meaning that it is almost impossible to get anywhere by car anymore. And if you do go by car, you can be sure that you have to drive on roads that look more like quarries than roads, and that your whole body will be exposed to a bumping so intense that you are glad you are still alive when you have reached your target. And not to forget the dust! It’s everywhere! As I remarked in my last post, it is very hot these days, and no rain has fallen for a long while. And we all know what dust-roads become like when they never receive rain…..Sometimes I’m having trouble breathing, and I can just picture all the brown, dry dust finding its way down my lungs, where it will stay together with all the pollution I inhale, and in a couple of years I will die from lungcancer…..! It seems I will have to take some measures on my own when it comes to the politics of climate if I am not going to die from suffocating. No, I’m not paranoid or hypochondriac, just realistic! Well, well, despite my complaints, I have to say that living in Addis is not that bad, infact - if you disregard all the issues that has to do with construction, it’s quite nice, actually:)
My daily life in Addis is not always as straightforward as I could hope it was. Construction is the key-word, and the root of all my problems. New buildings are popping up everywhere (that is, they are slowly and gradually beginning to pop up, and maybe in a couple of years, they will be finished), but they are not really causing me that much problems. I’m sure my dad would get a headache had he seen the scaffolding they use here, though - it looks very fragile and not fit for standing and walking on. Anyway, what gives ME the headache is the roadconstruction! For some reason, they have decided to start working an ALL the roads at once, meaning that it is almost impossible to get anywhere by car anymore. And if you do go by car, you can be sure that you have to drive on roads that look more like quarries than roads, and that your whole body will be exposed to a bumping so intense that you are glad you are still alive when you have reached your target. And not to forget the dust! It’s everywhere! As I remarked in my last post, it is very hot these days, and no rain has fallen for a long while. And we all know what dust-roads become like when they never receive rain…..Sometimes I’m having trouble breathing, and I can just picture all the brown, dry dust finding its way down my lungs, where it will stay together with all the pollution I inhale, and in a couple of years I will die from lungcancer…..! It seems I will have to take some measures on my own when it comes to the politics of climate if I am not going to die from suffocating. No, I’m not paranoid or hypochondriac, just realistic! Well, well, despite my complaints, I have to say that living in Addis is not that bad, infact - if you disregard all the issues that has to do with construction, it’s quite nice, actually:)
Hehe, hørres gjerna litt galskap ut å sei det, men eg like det synet der, for det e såååå Addis:o) Veldig kjekt å se bilder sånn så det e akkurat nå;) Stå på kjære deg!! E jyssla glad i deg, big hug*
Huske dei stillasan ja :) ikkje heilt HMS-reglane, eller kå nå di kalle d.
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