Sooooo…..I didn’t know I could be this entertaining. But apparently the combination of being both white, walking and wearing boots seems to be highly amusing to the people around me. They don’t think my boots are lovely. They stare at my feet, smile, and most of them start talking to each other, probably discussing why I would wear these things on my feet.
“Why isn’t she wearing pumps and high-healed shoes like everone else? It’s only men in working outfits who wear boots. She looks funny. And why is she walking? Why does she not have a landcruiser with a driver? After all, she’s faranji. I don’t understand this. She is strange. Hahaha…..:)”
Well, I just smile back, and think my own thoughts. “ Those silly Ethiopians. Why are they wearing high-healed shoes in this mud? It’s insane! Are they not freezing to death? Hah, they are laughing, but I’m the one whose feet are dry! Beat that! And why are they wearing plastic bags on their heads? It looks silly, if you ask me. I’ll stick to my umbrella.”
Oh, well, ain’t the world a magnificent place. Such a diversity.